
Long to Short Hair - Experience of this beauitful lady

November 03, 2018

When I was going through my Instagram feed, I came across this beautiful soul who have maintained long hair for most of her hair and maintaining short hair from the past 3 years. We are interested to know the story behind her experience and you can read in her own words.

1. Small Intro about you?

"Well, my name is Waleska Rodrigues. I'm 22 years old, Brazilian and a married Woman. I have short hair a little over 3 years ago. And since my first haircut, my life has begun to change for the better. And today I have a YouTube channel where I encourage women to love themselves, seek self-esteem, whatever the haircut, eye color, skin color, height, weight and so on.

2. What's your hair length before? How and when this idea of going short hair struck your mind?

My hair was down the waist before I decided to cut short. I had long hair all my life, but I always admired women with short hair and thought : Someday, I'll be just like them. This idea stayed fizzed in my mind and one fine day I woke up with Long hair and decided to sleep with it short. Haha

3. Did any particular person inspired you for going short hair? Where did you get it cut?

I was inspired by a girl and her Instagram is @nadiaschmidt_ and I always commented on her videos on YouTube and she always responded, encourgaing me to lose my fear. When I decided to cut, no salon accepted to cut a hair of that length. It was very difficult but I found a crazy hairdresser who agreed to cut and since then always short with him.

4. How was the haircut day happened and how did you reach salons and all?

I had already set an appointment with my hairdresser and when the day came I took my best friend and my mother along with me. My friend filmed everything and then I put the video on my YouTube, it was my first video on the channel. My mother did not know if she laughed or cried, hahaha she was very scared that I did not like and be sad with the new look. She let out a scream at the time the hairdresser cut that huge hair that was tied with a rubber band. By the time I felt the scissors cut and suddenly a relief of the weight, I did not stop laughing. It was the best feeling I ever had, taking the day out of my wedding. I immediately looked at myself like a mirror and thought : "That's it GIRL! THAT's IT! VERY GOOD, YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND NOW YES I RECOGNIZE THAT MIRROR! I fell in love with myself at the time. The hair I donated to a cancer hospital where they manufacture wigs for people on treatment.

It was so much good happening at the same time, it was so beautiful. I would not have to regret it. It was not just a HAIRCUT, it was the change of a life, especially MY LIFE.

5. What was the reaction from your near and dear ones?

Coming to the reactions - My friends and family didnot believe that I would really cut and when they saw that I kept to what I said, they were impressed but everyone liked it. My father loved my new look, My mother was a bit scared at first haha... and my husband always supported me a lot, so he was very calm too. Today they say they can not imagine me having long hair again.

6. What's the best compliment you got?

Best Compliment - I remember one day I was at a wedding part and a guy stopped me to say "I was the most elegant woman at the Party". They had called me beautiful but ELEGANT was the first time and I thought "AWWWW, I AM AN ELEGANT WOMAN and elegance has always been the highest quality in a woman for me.

7. Do you have any plans of going more shorter hair like a pixie or buzz or bald?

I do want to yes, it's actually more curiosity to have a buzz, but I have  crack in the skull (yes I'm wierd hahaha). It's from birth and it's the span of a thumb and if I cut too much of hair, this will appear and it will b scary hahaha. 

Video of her haircut :

Before and After Pics :

Her Social Media : CONTATO/PARCERIAS: contato.desenrolandovlog@gmail.com INSTAGRAM : @waleskarodriguees PÁGINA DO FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/vlogdesenrol... PERFIL DO FACEBOOK : /waleska.rodrigues.37 SNAPCHAT : waleskards

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