Battled with Cancer and Won - Hair transformation experience of Soumya

August 09, 2018

"When Life gets harder, Challenge yourself to be Stronger"

Life won't be the way we planned. Soumya who has gone through the phase of life where everything happened in a very fast pace. Go through the experience of this brave soul who fought and won against Cancer on her hair transformation.

1. Small Intro about You??

Hi, I'm a 21 year old fashion student from Gurgaon. I love dogs, Fashion and Photography!

2. How and When did this idea struck your mind?

I actually loved long hair A LOT. I couldn't think of chopping them off but I got diagnosed of Cancer back in 2015. That's when I decided that I would chop them off.

3. How much time you have taken for losing your locks?

It sounds like an unfortunate story, sure. But it isn't one. We hold on to things and have our ideas about what's pretty. I was forced out of the comfort zone and I didn't even have time to process it. But I think it is one of the best things I've ever done! It was so much fun trying out new styles every now and then. It gave me much more confidence to know I could carry off a bald look.

4. Where did you get it cut?

I got it cut off at "Cut N Style". I have been going there from the past 8 years.

5. What was the reaction from the people around you?

People seemed to love my bald look more than my long hair. They told me it suited my rebel like personality way more. Haha I think that made me fall in love with it even further.

My mom aaccompanied me, she was sad because she know just how much I loved my hair and at that point it was a necessity. But my parents and my brother complimented me and helped me style sometimes.

6. Any words you wanna share?

I think one should try to do things out of their comfort zone more often. It can never be a bad experience. Women hesitate to do it because we relate our long hair to our feminine side and feel if we let go of that, we are less of a woman. Break that Stereotype!!!

Before and After Pics

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