From Rapunzel to Bald Beauty - Disha Anil Lathe Bald Journey

May 19, 2018

Disha is a beautiful young Rapunzel hailing from Pune who is having butt length silky hair. One of the most beautiful rapunzel, loved and followed by many of the followers in Instagram. She gave a shock to everyone by shaving her head in Tirumala. She got compliments even at the time of her head shave from the lady barber who shaved her. She is a dog Lover and a Foodie too. She loves to wear traditional dresses and used to put flowers in her silky tresses.

Here is the video of that rapunzel at the time of her headshave in Tirumala Kalynakatta -

Here are the before and after pics of that beauty -
Bald Beauty - Lovely look right :P

Last pic along with Flowers before the headshave

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